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ReptonPrimary School


W/C 05.09.22

WE DID IT! What a brilliant first week in Year 2!


We have had lots of fun getting to know each other and finding out about our summer holidays. We have even started some of our maths, English and topic work this week! 


In maths, we have been reminding ourselves of our numbers 1 to 100. We have been representing numbers in different ways using concrete materials (such as our tens and ones, numicon and tens frames) and have been writing these numbers in both numeral and written form. Can you choose a number between 1 and 100 and show someone at home how you could represent that using materials from home or drawing your tens and ones? Here is an example of our work:


In English, we reminded ourselves on how to use full stops and capital letters. We also looked at nouns, verbs and adjectives. We had lots of fun sorting words into these categories. Can you tell someone at home what a noun, verb and adjective is? Towards the end of the week, we planned and wrote our own postcards all about our summer holidays. We tried our best to write some super sentences including full stops and capital letters. I loved finding out about some of the wonderful things you got up to!


In topic, we introduced our history topic: Ingenious Victorians! We learnt about some of the amazing Victorian inventions. Can you tell someone at home something that the Victorians invented? We also learnt lots about Queen Victoria. Can you remember a fact that you learnt? Use the clues below to help you:


Well done on a super week! We are going to have a great year!



Key Messages:


  • Spellings: Our spellings tests will take place on a Friday. The children have all been sent home with their spellings in their Spelling Records. If there are any spellings that the children get incorrect, these will be highlighted for you to see and support your children with. 


  • Spelling Shed Logins: The children now have access to their spellings on Spelling Shed. Their new login details have been glued to the front of the reading diaries. Please let me know if you have any issues with accessing their accounts via email.


  • Spelling Shed: You will notice that there are two sets of spellings available on Spelling Shed for the children to practise. One set is KS1 high-frequency words (HFW) and the other set is the spelling rules we have learnt for that week (e.g. -dge). I have given the children access to both sets of spellings on Spelling Shed as it is important for the children to practise the spelling rules and the HFW. However, please refer to the spellings in the children's Spelling Record books to see which spellings they need to practise for the Friday test. 


  • Art t-shirt: Just a reminder, if you haven't already, to please provide your child with an old t-shirt/shirt for their art lessons. Please ensure their name is written on them. 


  • Reading books: These are changed on a Monday and Thursdays. Please ensure you are writing in when you have read with your child that week. We have also introduced our 'Road to Reading' in class. On a Friday, we will check if your child has read three times with an adult at home. If they have, they are given a sticker and house points. The children will move up the road to reading during the half-term, and children who reach the end of the road will receive a surprise. 


  • Victorian Workshop: Just a reminder that our Victorian workshop will be taking place in school during the afternoon on Wednesday 28th September 2022. The cost of the workshop is £7.60 per child which can be paid online through Parent Pay (we cannot accept cash or cheques). Please can we ask that this is paid as soon as possible to secure the booking. If there are any issues or questions please contact the school office.



