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ReptonPrimary School


W/C 10.07.23

We are nearly there! The children are continuing to work super hard. 


In maths, we have started our final maths unit: Position & Direction. We started by using the terminology 'up', 'down', 'left' and 'right'. Show someone at home:

We then looked at quarter, half and full turns. Match the picture to the turn:

We then started to use 'clockwise' and 'anti-clockwise'. Can you find a teddy or toy at home and show someone clockwise and anti-clockwise? 


In English, we completed our very last 'hot write'! We planned and wrote our own losing tale. We used our writing toolkit to include expanded noun phrases, conjunctions, similes and adverbs. What was your story about? They have all done a super job! We are very proud. 


In science, we have been testing different materials for their suitability. We tested which material would be best for a toy car to travel on. We tested bubble wrap, carpet, cardboard and corrugated card. Which material was best for the toy car? Why do you think this was? 


On Friday, we had a mini-graduation! The children have all worked incredibly hard this year and we wanted to celebrate this with them. Take a look at our pictures below: 



There are no spellings for the children to learn for next week as it is the last week of the term smiley
