What a great week we’ve had ☺️ read below to see what we have been up to...
This week we have created our own mythical creatures which the children will write their non-chronological report on next week. We had some fantastic ideas ... unicorns with dragon scales, Loch Ness monsters cross axolotls and fish with scorpion stingers. We worked on using adjectives to make our sentences more interesting. We came up with great phrases such as ‘pungent wet-dog smell’, ‘streamline body’ and ‘living under nature’s canopies.’
This week we have looked at the structure of the earth and discussed what each part is made up of. We discussed tectonic plates and came up with hand movements to describe how earthquakes and volcanoes are created. The children then had to order jigsaw pieces to show what the tectonic plates look like across the world.
In Science we were looking at what objects reflect light and which ones don’t. We conducted an experiment using a mirror, foil, black paper, blue card, materials and a plastic ruler. The children worked in groups to shine a torch at the materials and see which material reflected the most light. As a class, we decided the most reflective material was the mirror.