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ReptonPrimary School


13th October

Another great week this week. We have looked at multiples, factors and prime numbers in Maths this week.  Having a good understanding of factors helped a lot with identifying prime numbers. The children also learnt the term composite numbers- I wonder if they can tell you what they are? 


In English, we have been writing our Newspaper reports about the drought during Mayan times. This was linked to the text that we read in our first English topic. We have some fantastic newspaper reports. Well done Ravens. 


We have continued reading our novel 'Letters from the Lighthouse' which the children are all enjoying. We have answered questions based on the chapters we have read, this has involved us using our retrieval skills as well as inferring from the clues that the author has left for us. 


During our topic lessons, we have been looking at architecture during Mayan times, we learnt all about  some of the pyramids and how these were constructed. We are also looking forward to our trip next week to find out more about chocolate during Mayan Times. 


We hope you have a great weekend and we look forward to meeting with you next week for our parent consultations. 


The Ravens Team
