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ReptonPrimary School


Late/Absence Procedures


Need for good attendance.
We want your child to make the best possible progress in their education in order for them to reach their full potential. To do this we need your help to ensure they attend regularly and punctually.


Keeping school informed of absences
We realise that illness or exceptional circumstances are occasionally unavoidable but in this instance the school needs to be notified as soon as possible – preferably by phone on the same day. In the interest of your child’s academic and social development absences should be kept to an absolute minimum. All holidays will be recorded as unauthorised unless they are exceptional circumstances (see policy above). All holidays in term time have to be put forward to the Local Authority where a fixed penalty fine will be issued (see policy above).

Please phone from 8.30am.


Absences allowed by law: (authorised)
The law states that it is ESSENTIAL for the school to know the reasons behind every absence because we need to distinguish between absences which are allowed (authorised) and those which are not (unauthorised). However, if your child is sick in the night please keep them off for 48 hours.



The law requires us to publish our unauthorised absence figures.

They are recorded as a percentage each year.


2021/2022 our absences were recorded as:

4.91% (authorised) 0.23% (unauthorised)


Reluctance to attend:
Occasionally a child may be reluctant to attend school claiming to have a tummy ache or feeling sick etc. - Please let us know if you think this is the case so that we can work together to resolve any problems.

School permission in advance:

Since September 2013 new regulations prevent schools authorising parents taking children out of school in term time except in exceptional circumstances. This does not include cheaper prices or better weather and will not be something that happens every year. Each case is judged on its merits, there is no hard and fast rule for all events.


If you need to take your child out of school in term time please complete a Leave of Absence Authorisation Form (available from the school office or on the school website) before making your travel arrangements.


If the absence is approved then we will send you written permission, but if it is not authorised then you should not take your child out of school.


If your child is absent without written authorisation then you may be referred for a penalty notice and fine.


Religious observance:
Absence for this will be granted, please apply to the headteacher in writing.

Education Welfare service:
Our school has visits from the Education Welfare Officer – This person will visit you at home if necessary to discuss any attendance problems.


The LA does have the power to prosecute for non-attendance.


Persistent lateness could also result in a visit from the EWO as lateness can be construed by the LA as an absence.

On the rare occasion that the school closes because of snow – please check ParentHub or listen to Radio Derby for information
