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ReptonPrimary School


W.C. 27.3.23

We have made it through two full terms! It is hard to believe that the Hedgehogs are going to be Year 1s for only one more term. The children have worked really hard this week, so look below to see what fun things we have done this week.



In our Maths learning this week, we have continued our learning on numbers up to 50. The children have been working out how to partition numbers into tens and ones, using base 10 to help them. The children have also been using number lines up to 50 to help them solve some tricky problems. Can you partition the number below into tens and ones, and work out the numbers below?



In our English work this week, we have been working on features of SPAG. We have been looking specifically at capital letters this week. We learnt that capital letters can be used at the start of a person's name, a place or at the start of a name of a day of the week or a month. We played a game where we had different children's names, locations and days of the week and we had to edit the capital letters in those names, and then use all three in a sentence. We enjoyed making some fun sentences such as "Mr Armishaw went to Tescos on Thursday"!

Can you look at the sentence below and tell your grown-up which letters need to be a capital letter? Can you write the sentence with the correct capital letters?



To finish off our Science experiment from British Science Week, we looked at the mouldy bread that we had left from our experiment where we were investigating whether liquid soap or a bar of soap was the cleanest at getting rid of bacteria. We discovered lots of mould on many of the pieces of bread on Monday, it was rather disgusting! We came to the conclusion that on the whole, the liquid soap was better at getting rid of germs, however, one boy's bread was completely free of mould and he had used the bar of soap! Science can work in wonderful ways! Here are some of the pictures of us looking at our mouldy bread!

We have finished our Geography learning for this term now. We are very sad to say goodbye to Kenya but the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the country. In our Kenya learning this week, we compared a village in Kenya (Narok) with a village in Repton. We looked at what sort of things there are to do in both places, as well as looking at what the weather is like and why is the town successful. On Wednesday, we finished off our learning by learning more about the Maasai tribes. We learnt about their culture and how they live. We then looked at some of the masks that they wear. The Maasai wear these masks as a symbol for celebration, or when someone very close to someone has passed away. 


Following this, we created our own Maasai masks to represent us. The children designed their own masks first, and then used a variety of different materials to create some fabulous masks! Here are some of the masks below.



There are no spellings to learn over the half-term break. Instead, please read as much as you can. I have provided all parents with a Monster Phonics Booklet with various words to practise. I have also provided QR codes which you are welcome to use to practise reading real and nonsense words as well.


I have still provided optional Spelling Shed and Maths Shed activities on Spelling Shed if your child wants to continue to earn points over the half term.


Have a lovely Easter and I cannot wait to hear all about your holidays.


Take care and stay safe.


Mr Armishaw
