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ReptonPrimary School



What a busy week it has been in Foxes class! Read on to find out more!


In English is week we have started a new unit of learning: non-chronological reports. We have been looking at the features: facts, heading, sub-headings, paragraphs, bullet points etc. We have taken a look at our WAGOLL (all about Narwals!) and picked out all of the features we could find! Over the next couple of weeks, we will be doing our own research and writing our very own non-chronological reports!


In Maths, Year 3 have been learning about grams and kilograms this week, we have been finding equivalent masses, comparing and even adding and subtracting! Year 4 have started their new unit about decimals. They have been making connections between fractions and decimals by learning about tenths and what they look like using different representations.


We have had a fun week this week, continuing our learning about teeth! On Monday, we brought our toothbrushes into school and cleaned our teeth! We then used disclosing tablets to reveal old and new plaque! We looked in mirrors to observe the changes that had taken place and wrote down what we would do in the future to ensure all of our teeth get looked after equally!


In Computing, we have been learning about how weather stations work. On Thursday, we had a go at designing and making our own weather stations, thinking carefully about how the different parts would measure the temperature, wind and rainfall.


Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Hanslow
