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ReptonPrimary School


W/C 25.03.24

Happy Easter! What a wonderful and very fast half-term this has been! 


In maths this week, we have completed a very short unit of work: length and height. We have been measuring in centimetres and metres and have been comparing and ordering lengths and heights. We have also been solving problems involving measurement using the four operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Show someone what you can do:



In English, we have completed some independent writing using our Year 2 grammar techniques. We used pictures to inspire our writing. We edited our work carefully and thought about our full stops and capital letters. Keep up the superb work! 


In topic, we have been learning about Aboriginal Dreaming. Dreamtime is the foundation of Aboriginal religion and culture. It dates back 65,000 years. It is the story of events that have happened, how the universe came to be, how human beings were created and how their Creator intended for humans to function within the world as they knew it. We learnt three dreamtime stories: Taddalick the frog, the Rainbow Serpent and How Birds Got Their Colours. Can you tell someone at home about these stories? What happened? What can we learn from them? We used these stories as our inspiration for our dot painting.



Easter Homework


I have provided the children with homework for the Easter holidays. These have been sent home with the children today, but if you require another copy please find it attached.


We do recommend your child spend a little time going over some areas of the worksheets to consolidate their learning. If your child does complete all or some of the worksheets, please could they bring them in on the first week back after the half-term holidays.

The children have had a brilliant ‘spring’ term in the Owls Class! I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing Easter break.


