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ReptonPrimary School


W/c 15/04/24

Welcome back and I hope you had a lovely Easter holiday!  I can’t believe it is already the Summer term, and it will definitely go by quickly as we have lots of exciting things planned. This week we finished our work on fractions, wrote some very persuasive letters and thought about teeth and what their use is.  Read on to find out more…


Year 3 looked at finding non-unit fractions of a set of objects as well as developing their reasoning skills with fractions of amounts.  We are now going to be moving on to a brand new unit looking at Mass and Capacity.  Can you explain this True or False question to your grown up?

Year 4 have learnt about subtracting two fractions, subtracting from whole amounts and subtracting from mixed numbers.  Yet again our knowledge of times tables came into play when converting from improper fractions to mixed numbers.  Our next unit will focus on decimals. Can you explain this True or False to your grown up?

In English this week we collected the information we needed for creating our persuasive letter describing why whaling should be banned in Iceland.  We took notes and collected facts about whaling in Iceland and why it should be stopped.  Once we had done this the children created their plans and wrote and edited their letters. They all thought carefully about what rhetorical questions they could create and include in their writing, as well as the emotive language and facts they could include. Some super persuasive writing was done this week.  Well done Puffins.


We began our brand new Science unit of Animals and Humans this week too.  We began this unit by looking at the variety of Teeth that humans have and what they are used for.  Next week we will look at how we can keep our teeth clean and what effect not keeping them clean can have on them.



-Next week we will be cleaning our teeth in our science lesson on Wednesday! Please remember to bring your toothbrush and toothpaste on Wednesday.

-We will be building our weather stations in our Computing lesson next week. Please bring in anything that you can that your group may need to create this from home.  Thank you.


Have a lovely weekend,

Stay safe

Mrs Karamucki
