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ReptonPrimary School


W/C 12.12.22

What a fun-filled, Christmassy week we have had!


In maths, we have spent some more time this week consolidating and revisiting parts of our addition and subtraction unit. Show someone at home what you can do:


Complete the number sentences. You can use your tens and ones or your column method:


23 + 5 = ____        46 + 20 = _____      


Complete these number bonds to 10 and the associated facts…


1 + ______ = 10


____ + ____ = 10


6 + _____ = 10


____ + ____ = 10


8 + _____ = 10


____ + ____ = 10


Complete the number sentences. You can use your tens and ones or your column method:


48 + 35 = ____        34 + 26 = _____      


Complete the sentences:


If 7 + 3 = 10, then 17 + _____ = 20



If 10 – 3 = 7, then 20 – 3 = ______


Repton 400 Nativity

On Tuesday, the children were very excited to go see the Repton 400 Hall. The children behaved impeccably throughout and they really showed what fantastic ambassadors they were for the school. The children did a dress rehearsal on the stage and they loved seeing the lights, the huge theatre, and the building. They then performed their production of 'Lights, Camel, Action!' to the school on Thursday and parents on Friday! What a show! We are so proud of every single one of them!


Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas Panto, and Dinner Day

On Wednesday, we had a very exciting day. The PTA very kindly paid to allow our children to have a panto, and what a fantastic pantomime it was! It was the story of Mother Goose and the children thoroughly enjoyed it! After that, the children enjoyed a lovely roast dinner prepared by the wonderful cooks. To finish the day, the children got involved in some Christmas crafts, such as making Christmas cards and calendars for the new year.


Key Updates


  •  On Monday morning, the whole school is walking to the Repton Church for a Christmas service. We will be singing some of our songs from the nativity show and some new ones we have learnt in school. Family members are all welcome to join us! The service starts at 10am. 


  • On Monday afternoon, we will be having our KS1 Christmas party! Thank you all for your kind donations for some party food- the children will love it! Children are invited to come into school in their party clothes for the day. Please ensure these are suitable, warm clothes to walk to and from the Church in during the morning. 


  • Next week, I will sending the children home with some maths homework to complete over the half-term break. This homework is optional. However, we do recommend your child spends a little time going over some areas of the worksheets to consolidate their learning. If your child does complete all or some of the worksheets, please could they bring them in on the first week back after the half-term holidays.



