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ReptonPrimary School



This week we have been learning about play scripts in our English work. We wrote notes for a silent video we watched, imagining what the characters would have been saying, then we worked as a group to start writing the script. We had to consider the stage directions that would be needed to tell people what the needed to do as well as say. Next week we are going to perform the play for our friends in the class.


In maths this week we have been learning about producing and interpreting data. We have looked at lots of different sorts of charts and graphs and drawn some of our own.


In our science work this week, we have been learning about habitats for different creatures in our school grounds and how we could inadvertently cause damage to them. We then thought about how we could help to improve habitats and produced design for things like bug hotels. We are going to have fun making some of these on Tuesday next week. If you could remember to send in some of the materials requested on the parent hub message, we would be really grateful.


Last few reminders for next week-

Monday- normal day with PE

Tuesday- Bug hotels

Wednesday – Dress up day as a circus performer, please bring a tombola donation. Circus after school.

Thursday- last celebration assembly of the year for invited parents. Out of uniform and film for winning house.

Friday- Last day of the year!


Have a lovely weekend!


