Good afternoon.
We have had a great second week. We are getting into our routines well and the children are taking on their new roles fantastically. We have now got two school council members. Thank you to everyone that took the time to compose a speech. We look forward to finding out what is on the agenda for this year.
We have continued our learning of place value in maths, in particular, partitioning numbers and placing them on number lines.
During English, we have focussed on a lot on descriptive writing, adjectives, expanded noun phrases and similes. These really make our writing come alive and paint a great picture in our readers mind. This is all based around a Mayan Folk Tale.
Thank you for attending the meeting on Wednesday. You should have also received a message regarding Cadbury World trip.
If you have any queries, please do get in touch.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Ravens Team