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ReptonPrimary School



What a fantastic first half term we have had in the Foxes class!


This week has seen the culmination of our Anglo-Saxons topic with our super trip to Tamworth Castle. We had a wonderful day with three Saxon themed activities that rounded off our topic superbly.  Firstly, after a short self-led tour around the castle, we were given a very informative talk about the Staffordshire Hoard and what it contained. We had a look at some of the pieces that were part of it and thought about how they could have been made.  Can you tell your grown-up about the value of the Staffordshire Hoard?


Our next activity involved the children digging for Anglo-Saxon treasure as if they were real archaeologists. We first looked at some different Anglo-Saxon artefacts that had been found.  We thought about what they could have been, what they were made from and how they could have been used.  The children then got the opportunity to dig for their own artefacts, thinking about if they were modern-day or Anglo-Saxon finds. 


After a tasty lunch, we ventured into the Main Hall and thought about the seven Kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxon times.  Can you remember them all and tell your grown-up? We then learnt about the structure of the Anglo-Saxon and Viking armies and about some of the tactics they used in battle.  The children then carried out a mock battle involving lots of shouting and banging of shields. “OOT OOT OOT!”


The children earned a class leaf this week for showing excellent behaviour around the castle. A huge thank you to Emma’s Mummy for coming with us on the trip too! What a fantastic day we had!


Please take a look at this page on the website to see some of the things we got up to:


Tamworth Castle


We finished off our work on Black History Month this week by thinking about what makes Nicola Adams such an inspirational woman. We thought about what she has done to inspire others into her sport and how she has helped women to see that they can do anything they set their mind to.


From our trip to Tamworth Castle we created some brilliant recounts in the style of a double-page spread. The children have all worked so hard this time and I think you will agree they have earned a well-deserved rest. 


Have a restful half term Foxes!

Miss Hanslow
