We have come to the end of another wonderful week.
In English this week we have started learning about biographies. The children have looked at a WAGOLL biography all about David Attenborough. They were able to identify many of the genre features, including: a title; subheadings; facts; third person pronouns; past tense verbs and chronological order. While looking at the WAGOLL, they have created picture maps by focusing on key words in the text and acted out parts of the text in groups. Today they learnt how to make notes when researching.
In Maths we have been learning about Roman Numerals! Can you have a go at this True or False question?
We have also started looking at rounding to the nearest 10. We have been using the rhyme “5 to 9 climb the vine, 0 to 4 slide to the floor” to try and help us remember which way we round numbers.
In History, we continued learning about the Anglo-Saxons. We had a lot of fun learning about Anglo-Saxon children and a day in their lives. We played a game called ‘Nine Men’s Morris’ which is very similar to noughts and crosses but involves more strategy. The children had a go at writing a diary entry from the point of view of an Anglo-Saxon child. They did an excellent job.
In Science we continued learning about electricity and we had a go at drawing our own electrical circuit diagrams, using a ruler to create straight lines and symbols to represent the different components. The children then had a go at building their own circuits using wires, batteries, lamps, buzzers and motors.
On Monday I will be sending home a letter for parents evening appointments (16.10.23 and 19.10.23), please get your reply slips back to me as soon as possible so I can get this organised for you.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Hanslow