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ReptonPrimary School



What a great week to end this half term. Overall, we have had a fantastic half term and we have done lots of fantastic learning. The children have really impressed me with how they have come into class each day and tried hard so well done Hedgehogs!

It was so lovely to meet you all for Parents' Evening. I hope you found it useful. If you do have any questions, please email me at 


Look below to find out what we have been up to this week!



In our Maths learning, we have started our new unit of Addition and Subtraction. Already, we have kickstarted this unit with some new learning and we have been learning all about part-whole models. Part-whole models are a picture representation which shows how groups (known as parts) can add together to make a whole. We have been using cubes, counters and other resources to create some part-whole models.


In the example to the right, we can see there is a part of 1, a part of 3. We can see altogether in the whole there are 4 as 3 + 1 = 4.



By the end of the week, we were creating addition sentences by using part-whole models to help us. Have a try at writing addition sentences for the part-whole models below! Cqn you write two addition sentences for each picture, by swapping the parts around?








If you would like to practise more work on part-whole models, I have set a Maths Shed Quiz to do with part-whole models. Alternatively, you can practise using part-whole models below.








In our English learning, we have been recapping our instructions on how to mummify a pharaoh. We also have been looking at what a verb is. We learnt that a verb is a doing word, an action. We looked at the model text to identify verbs, as well as playing some charade games to act out verbs.  Look below at the following words. Which ones are verbs and which ones are nouns? Remember, a verb is a doing word, and a noun is an object, a place, a thing or a person.





In our Topic learning, we have been learning all about the Egyptian Gods! We started by looking at what happens to the soul of a mummy when it has been mummified. We spoke about the picture below to help us. Can you tell your grown-up what is happening in this picture?

Can you tell your grown ups which Gods you see in this papyrus painting? What are the people doing here? 







We then learnt about some of the main Gods in the Ancient Egyptian civillisation. We learnt that there were over 2000 Gods! We learnt about 9 of the popular ones that were worshipped in Ancient Egyptian times. We looked at artefacts, statues and hieroglyphic paintings to help us learn about the Gods. We also looked at masks of the Gods too. Here they are below. Can you remember any of the Gods' powers?


If you need a helping hand here are some powers to help you match them up!








Writing & Moon











Spellings (to learn for the Thursday after half term)


Christmas Production

We are very excited to announce that we will be performing our KS1 Christmas production to parents on the 16th December at the Repton 400 Hall at 2:00pm! Our production will be called "Lights, Camel, Action!". A letter has been sent out explaining all the information, including important dates, costume and role information, and any other details. Please read the letter to find out more. 


Have a lovely and safe half term and I can't wait to see the Hedgehogs after the half term!


Mr Armishaw 
