We have had a fantastic week in the Hedgehogs' class, and a week where we have been celebrating science as it is British Science Week. Not only have we been doing our regular learning, but we have also been doing lots of activities to do with the concept of this year's BSW theme, 'Time'. Look below to find out what we have been learning about.
In our Maths learning this week, we have been learning how to subtract in multiple ways. We have been using number lines and ten frames to count backwards, and we wrote subtraction number sentences from this. We have also been finding the difference between amounts by creating bar models to highlight the difference. On Friday, we also did something quite challenging where we looked at a picture problem to find multiple facts. Here are some challenges that you can have a go at below - as well as quizzes linked to these on Maths Shed.
Question 1 - Question 2 - Create a subtraction number sentence for the bar model below.
Question 3 - Write a subtraction number sentence for the problem below.
Question 4 - Find the difference between the two pictures below to see if Selma is right.
In our English learning this week, we have been finishing off our work on recounts. This week, we planned some double-page spreads for our recounts. We chose to write about a day in our lives that we can remember. We then wrote up our HOT WRITES on Thursday, which are now available to view in our writing gallery in our Hedgehog bay. Can you tell your grown-ups what your hot write was about? Can you remember what features we included in the recount?
Science (British Science Week)
We have put our Geography learning on hold this week, so we can focus on becoming mini-scientists this week. The children have been doing lots of fun science activities to get us into the spirit of science week. On Monday we created sand timers so that we could measure time. We used plastic bottles and lots of masking tape! Unfortunately due to the logistics of the bottles, and that we realised that some bottles had water in them, the sand was not coming down very well so we did the 'unconditional' way of shaking the bottles so the sand would come down! We still had fun and this prompted discussions on how in science, not everything works and it's all about experimenting until you get the right results!
We then also had the exciting opportunity of taking part in a carousel of activities! The children in Robins, Hedgehogs and Owls got to spend time with teachers from the other classrooms to take part in some fun science activities. With Mrs Riley, the children experimented rolling a vehicle down ramps of different materials to see which vehicles travelled for the most amount of time. With myself, the children created rocket balloons and we tested them to see which balloons would travel the most amount of time. With Mrs Taylor-Day, the children tested different food items to see which ones would power a clock!
Spellings (also available on Spelling Shed)
Words to Read
I will be providing a set of words each week for the children to learn. These can be found next to your child's spellings in their spelling record books. These words we will practice in our Friday phonics sessions, so that your child will remember them onwards. Your child does not need to spell them, and your child will not be tested on these words, but they are more than welcome to practise spelling them if they wish!
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Armishaw