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ReptonPrimary School


Updates W.C 18.03.24

What another great week in the Hedgehogs! We are fast approaching the end of the term, and I can't believe we are almost 2/3 through the year! Have a look below to find out what we have been up to. 



In our Maths learning, we have been doing some very tricky stuff! On Tuesday, we did some learning about missing numbers. This is where in a number sentence, the answer to the equation is there, but one of the parts of the number sentence is missing. We learned how we can use number lines, pictures and our fingers to find the answer to the problem. We then started our new unit of Place Value to 50, and learned about how to count forwards and backwards to 50. We used 'Paint the Sqaures' to play a few games with identifying and counting numbers to 50. 


Can you have a go at seeing if you can find the missing numbers in the patterns below?   Look at the numbers first before filling the answers in as some of these might be counting forwards or backwards!                     


I have also attached some missing number problems, if you and your grown-ups fancy a challenge!



There are also challenges on Maths Shed.



In our English work, we have been starting our new T4W unit on rhyming poetry. We are learning a model text all about Kenya, called "Out in Kenya". We learned the text by creating a text map of the poem and rehearsing it that way. You can have a look at our model text and text map below.  We then learned some of the key vocabulary from the text, looking at words like majestic, exotic, jolly and silent. Can you explain to a grown-up what these words mean? Have a look at the text map below, can you tell your grown-ups all about it? 



In our Geography work, we have been looking deeper into the lives of people living in Kenya. We learned that in all areas of the world, there are areas that are not the nicest. We looked at the capital city of Nairobi to investigate what life was like there. We looked at some pictures where Nairobi was divided into two areas -  the rich and poor areas. We then talked about what life was like for people on both sides. We talked about two key words, inequality and poverty. What do those words mean? Can you look at the picture below and explain to your grown-ups what you think is happening? More pictures of Nairobi are available here



Next week, we are going to create a map of Nairobi and what it should look like. To do this, we started to think about how we can create a map of our area. We went for a little walk around school to map out our local area. We used keys and symbols to indicate what there is in our areas, and included titles and compass directions! Here are some pictures of us conducting our fieldwork!


This week, we have been revising the ai, oi, ve and ay digraphs. We are now recapping the sounds we have done this year. 

QR CODE for this week - Please scan this using a camera to access a list of real and nonsense words to read.


Spellings (also available on Spelling Shed)



Have a lovely weekend!


Mr Armishaw
