We have had a great week in the Owls Class.
In maths, we have been learning to write numbers up to 100 in numerals and words. Keep practising these at home! Later this week, we learned to partition numbers to 100 in different ways using a part-whole model. We then learned to write the addition sentences to match these part-whole models. Show someone at home what you can do:
In English, we created a profile for our pet dragons. We named them and chose their favourite food and special ability. We then used adjectives to describe our dragons. Tell someone at home all about yours! On Thursday, something terrible happened... Mrs Taylor-Day's dragon went missing! We have been imitating Mrs Taylor-Day's 'missing poster' in the hope that we might find Blaze around school! We have been learning how to write super questions. Can you write a question of your own? What do you need to remember to put at the end?
In topic, we have been learning about what life was like for Victorian children. We made our own Victorian toys! What did you make? We have also been learning about different jobs working-class children would have done during the Victorian era. In groups, we acted out these jobs and the rest of the class had to guess what were! Can you tell someone at home about the jobs below? What were they like? Which job do you think was the worst?