We have had a lovely week in Hedgehogs, with lots of fun and challenging learning! Look below to see what we have been up to.
In our Maths learning, we have been learning all about fractions. This week, we focused on what halving is. We learnt that halving is when an object or an amount is split into two equal parts. We investigated shapes to see if they had been halved correctly. We also practised cutting shapes in halves as well. Towards the end of the week, we focussed on halving amounts by sharing objects between two groups so that both groups are equal. The children were brilliant at halving and here are some pictures of our partner's work when we were halving amounts.
Look at these shapes below. Can you tell your grown-up which shapes are halved correctly? Which ones have two equal parts?
There is also this game here to test your child's knowledge of whether shapes have been halved. And there is this game to test your child's knowledge of halving amounts (click halving on Hit the Button).
In our English learning, we have been learning about more features of our informal letter, our birthday invitation letter. We have been learning some essential vocabulary from our model text, looking at words that have the suffix -est, and the prefix -un. We then wrote the model text from memory, and the children did amazing! We have also been innovating our model text. We changed one of the reasons why the bear might want a rabbit at his birthday party. The children suggested ideas of things they would like to do at a birthday party and we voted on our three favourite ideas! Have a look at our innovation below. Can you tell your grown-up what reason we came up with as a class?
In our Science this week, we have been learning about comparing plants. We talked about how all plants have roots and stem, but plants can differ because of their leaves and flowers and petals. We talked about how trees are different to plants as well. Then on Wednesday, we planted our own pansy seeds. They are outside the classroom and growing as we speak (hopefully).
In our Computing unit, we have been showcasing our design skills by creating rockets by following instructions. The children worked together in groups to create some fabulous rockets! We then tested the rockets outside and recorded their distance by using a trundle wheel. Each child got a chance to use the trundle wheel to measure the distance. We then created a whole class spreadsheet to see who had gone the furthest. Here are some of our rockets and action shots below!
Thank you to all the parents who practised the real and nonsense words that were sent out. It is very much appreciated. We will be returning back to spellings for the next few weeks before the end of the year. We will be focusing on spelling tricky words in preparation for Year 2, and I have increased the number of words to 10. These words will become available on Spelling Shed from today.
What a great week Hedgehogs! Only 5 more weeks left until you become an owl!
Have a lovely weekend.
Mr Armishaw