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ReptonPrimary School


W/C 23.10.23



What a fantastic half-term it has been! I am so proud of how the Owls have all settled into Year 2 and how hard they are working. 


In maths, we have been looking at fact families. A Fact Family is a collection of related addition and subtraction facts,  made from the same numbers. For example, for the numbers 7, 8, and 15, the addition/subtraction fact family consists of 7 + 8 = 15, 8 + 7 = 15, 15 - 8 = 7, 15 - 7 = 8. Show someone at home what you can do:

This week, we have also been exploring related facts. Have a go at the problems below:


We have used our number bond knowledge to help us with our number bonds to 100. Show someone at home:

10 + __ = 100

20 + __ = 100

30 + __ = 100

40 + __ = 100

50 + __ = 100


By the end of the week, we were adding and subtracting 1s. We used equipment (such as tens and ones) and number lines to help us. Let's have a go:

          Less                                 More


In English, we have been editing our instructions. We checked for full stops, capital letters, time conjunctions, adjectives, commas for lists and imperative verbs. Show someone at home how you would edit the work below:


We also recapped our learning from this term. Using the picture below:

- write a list

- write an expanded noun phrase

- write a question





This half-term, we have completed our first unit of work in maths, place value, and have begun our second unit of work, addition and subtraction. I have produced a couple worksheets for the children to complete over the half-term break, covering the two topics. These were sent home with the children on Thursday. However, if you need another copy, please find this below. This homework is optional. However, we do recommend your child spends a little time going over some areas of the worksheets to consolidate their learning.


