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ReptonPrimary School


Updates W.C 06.11.23

What a great first week back after half term! It is lovely to see all of the children rejuvenated and ready for this term - and it is a busy one as we are starting our Christmas nativity this week. We are really excited to show you in a few weeks time our production. Please see the letter attached on Parenthub for more information. Look below to see what we have been learning about this week.



In our Maths learning, we have been carrying with our addition unit.  This week we have been learning about number bonds. We have found out that there are 11 number bonds that add to make 10! We learnt a fun song to help us learn these number bonds and then we had a go at building number bonds using numicons, ten frames and part-whole models. This week we have been learning about how we can add in different ways using bar models. Bar models are a way of showing addition and the relationship between two numbers. We learnt that bars can vary in size depending on how much they are greater or less than the other numbers in the number sentence. Here is an example of a bar model below.




Here are some photos of us creating bar models using cubes as well! Can you have a go at creating a bar model at home? Maybe you can show your parents how to create one? 


In our English this week, we have finished of our unit of work on instructions. The children this week were tasked with designing a set of imaginative instructions using a double-page spread. On Wednesday and Thursday, the children then wrote their HOT WRITES using features such as time conjunctions (first, next, then, after that, finally), bullet points and some children even did paragraphs to separate their sentences. The children all worked really hard and I am so proud of how hard they have worked, especially writing a long piece of writing straight after a half term! Their work can be found in the writing gallery in the Hedgehog bay. Here is Mr Armishaw's plan for his HOT WRITE. Do you think you can help him write his instructions? How could he start his instructions off? What could he use to list his materials? Can you think of some great, detailed steps to help him? 




In our History learning, we have been learning about certain events that have happened in the past 100 years. We have learned about John Logie Baird and how he invented the TV. We talked about how TV's have changed today. We also learned about how John Alcock and Arthur Brown's transatlantic flight became a breakthrough for flight travel across the world. We even acted out their journey! Can you use the photos below to tell your parents about their journey.


This week, we have focused on the digraph ea. We learned that this digraph can make an /ee/ sound and an /e/ sound! Please feel free to use the "Time to Read" booklets to go over these sounds.



There are two lots of spellings. This is because we have two groups that do different spellings. Please make sure you are doing the correct spellings. If you are unsure, please let me know.



Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday.


Mr Armishaw
