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ReptonPrimary School


Updates W.C 09.10.23

What a great week for the Hedgehogs class! Look below to see what we have been learning about this week.



In our Maths learning, we have started our work on using number lines. We learnt that number lines are visual ways that we can count forwards and backwards. Number lines can start from any number and they have lines to indicate the next number on the number line. Can you draw a number line at home and show it to your grown-ups? Mr Armishaw had a go at writing numbers on a number line, but he may have made a few mistakes below on these number lines! Can you help correct him on which ones are right and which ones are wrong? Silly Mr A!



We also started our unit on Addition and Subtraction to 10. On Thursday, we started to look at parts and wholes. Parts are groups of objects/numbers and the whole means all the parts added altogether. We looked at some different ways that we can find parts from a group of objects. Have a look at the example below. What parts could you find from the picture below? Can you split this whole amount into three parts? Use the sentences below to help you. 



I have a part of _____

I have a part of _____

*I have a part of _____

I have a whole of _____



We have now finished our work on narratives for this term and we are now focusing on a genre called 'Instructions'. This week, the children have been learning a model text called "How to Build a Time Machine". We looked at a clip from Doctor Who and used some inspiration from the Tardis to get excited about the text. We then learned some instructions on how to build a tardis. We learned these instructions by building a text map together using our Mighty Writer, and then we boxed up the story on Friday. Look below to find our model text and our story map! See if you can use just the text map to tell your grown-up this set of instructions. 


Other Areas of the Curriculum

In our History learning, we have finished off on the concept of homes by looking at what homes were like in the 1960s. We talked about what you could find in most homes and we talked about the differences between homes in the 1920s and the 1960s, and then we compared the 1960s homes with homes today! Look at the pictures below - can you tell your grown up how these items below are different to the items we have in our homes today?



Spellings - also available on Spelling Shed, alongside other practise games.


You should have all received a Parents Evening appointment for your child. If you have any questions about the appointment, please contact me at I am excited to meet you all next week.


Another reminder to please complete the information on ParentPay for our museum on trip. 


Have a lovely weekend!


Mr Armishaw
