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ReptonPrimary School



First full week back!!


Wow! What a busy week we have had! Our first full week of normal lessons and routines! I am so impressed with how the children have adapted to our new classroom routines and shown responsibility via their classroom jobs!


The Year 4 children had their first swimming lesson on Tuesday. Their skills were assessed and they will be put into appropriate groups. Mrs K is looking forward to taking them all again next week!


We also promoted our British Value of Democracy on Tuesday by voting for our school council reps! A huge well done to all the children who were brave enough to put themselves forward. Some even came with full speeches prepared! Mr Tague and Mrs Riley were so impressed! It is not easy to stand in front of a crowd and speak! Congratulations to Freddie and James who were voted by the Foxes as our Year 4 and Year 3 council reps. You are going to do a fantastic job boys!


In English this week we have continued learning about diary entries. We learned that diaries are written in past tense; we looked at past tense verbs and how to use them. We learned about first person personal pronouns, singular (I, me, my) and plural (our, we, us) and how to write paragraphs to break up themes. Next week we will continue this by planning and writing our own diary entries.


In Maths we have been learning about place value. The Year 3 children have been learning about the place value of numbers to 1,000 (H, T, O) and Year 4 have been learning about the place value of numbers to 10,000 (Th, H, T, O). We have looked at how these appear as different representations and how to partition them into parts e.g. 3256= 3000+200+50+6.


We started our History topic on Monday, 'Who lives in a place like this?' where we will be learning about the lives of the Anglo-Saxons. This week we started by looking at a timeline and looked at a few of the main events which took place during that time. The children had loads of questions that they wanted to find out the answers to – hopefully we can find out the answers to them over the next few weeks!


In Science we have started our 'Exciting Electricity' topic. Our first lesson was spent looking at which household objects need electricity to work. The children thought about what appliances are battery powered and mains powered, if an appliance can be both and what powers things that are neither of these. 


A huge thank you for your support this week! It has been great to see how many children have been reading at home and bringing their books back to change! Keep it up!


Have a great weekend!


Miss Hanslow

