What a fantastic, busy, and festive week we have had! It has felt very much non-stop this week and each day has been very different from our normal week, but the children and I have loved this week! Look below to see what we have been doing this week!
In our Maths learning this week, we have continued our learning on shapes by looking at how we can sort 3D shapes into groups. We looked at how we can sort shapes based on whether they are a pyramid, cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone, or sphere. We also looked at how some 3D shapes can be sorted by whether they have curved sides, straight sides, or by the number of points that a 3D shape has. We then looked at how we can find 2D faces on a 3D shape, and this led us to explore and draw 2D shapes. What 2D shapes can you see on these 3D shape faces?
If you want to practise your 2D and 3D shape knowledge, here are a few games below that you can have a go at!
https://ictgames.com/mobilePage/shiftingShapes/index.html (Drag the torch to find out clues about the shape, then click the eye to reveal the shape!)
Repton 400 Nativity
On Tuesday, the children were very excited to go see the Repton 400 Hall. The children behaved impeccably throughout and they really showed what fantastic ambassadors they were for the school. The children did a missed rehearsal on the stage and they loved seeing the lights, the huge theatre, and the building. They are all very excited to perform at the school on Thursday, and to parents on Friday!
Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas Panto, and Dinner Day
On Wednesday, we had a very exciting day. The PTA very kindly paid to allow our children to have a panto, and what a fantastic pantomime it was! It was the story of Mother Goose and the children thoroughly enjoyed it!
After that, the children enjoyed a lovely roast dinner prepared by the wonderful cooks.
To finish the day, the children got involved in some Christmas crafts, such as making Christmas cards and calendars for the new year.
To allow the children a proper break during this Christmas break, I will not be issuing spellings to learn over the holidays. Children will have a Monster Phonics Book to read over the Christmas break, and I would encourage your child to please that book over the Christmas holidays.
Celebration Assembly
The children have worked incredibly hard to put this show together and we are so proud of them. This week, Mrs Taylor-Day and I decided to award both of the Hedgehogs' and Owls' classes the three RPS certificates for Respect, Pride, and Success because they all deserve it for the respect they showed Repton School, the Pride they took whilst singing, dancing and acting, and for how successful their performance was. Look below to find the certificates for the class.
KS1 Christmas Party
Thank you to those who have donated £1 for our Christmas party on Monday. We will use the money to provide food and refreshments for the children's party, as well as play some fun, interactive games! We cannot wait!
We have had a fantastic, successful term! The Christmas term is very much like a rollercoaster term with Christmas productions and events, but the children have really impressed me with their hard work, positivity, and enthusiasm. We have three more days of school until we break up on Wednesday, but then please have a restful, relaxing, and enjoyable Christmas break after that!