We have had a great week back after the half term! It is our final half-term before the Hedgehogs go into Year 2 and become Owls!
Have a look below to see what we have been learning about this week.
In our Maths learning, we have been learning all about numbers up to 100. We started the week by partitioning numbers into tens and ones, using part-whole models. With Mrs Ward, we then looked at where we can put numbers up to 100 on a number line. We even had a practise at estimating where numbers belonged on a number line which was quite challenging! We played a really fun game to practise estimating the numbers, which I have provided a link below - the children loved it!
We also practised comparing numbers up to 100. We learnt that we can look at the tens digit to work out if a number is greater or less than a number. If the tens digits are the same, then we look at the ones digit instead! There is a game here which you can play to practise comparing numbers!
If you want to practise comparing, here are some numbers below! Can you use < , > or = to compare the numbers?
In our English work, we have been learning a new type of genre, informal letter writing. We have been learning a made-up letter. It is about a character inviting someone to their birthday party and convincing them why they should come to the birthday party. We learnt the text by first reading the text. Then we used our Mighty Writer to create a story map from the text, and then we drew our own story maps! Look below to find our model text, and our Mighty Writer map. Can you use the Mighty Writer story map to retell the letter? Can you identify where the address is, the introduction, the reasons and the conclusion?
Science, Art and other curriculum activities
In our Science, we have started our new unit all about Plants and Trees. This week, we have looked specifically at plants. We started looking at what plants are, and we went into the forest school to investigate what wild plants we could see. Can you tell your grown-ups what wild plants we saw? We then looked at the structure of a plant by looking really closely at a flowering plant. We received some flowers from a local garden centre and we looked really carefully at the soil and at the plant to identify features such as the stem, leaves, roots, anther and petals. Can you remember what are the jobs for each part of the plant are? Look below to see pictures of some of the children studying and drawing their plants!
We have also been working really hard in our Art and Computing this week. In our Computing, we have been working on sequencing instructions, designing using software, and researching materials for a rocket. We then created our rockets in groups of 3 by following a set of instructions. There are no photos of the rockets just set as they are still being developed but we had a lot of fun doing that on Tuesday! In our Art, we have been learning all about 3D sculptures for the past few weeks. On Thursday, the children collaborated in big groups to create a giant paper sculpture of a spider to finish our unit on 3D paper sculptures. Although it was very complicated, we successfully managed to make them! Look below to see our fantastic, creepy crawlies!
Phonics Words to practise (These will be the last set of words before the official check next week) After this, it will then go back to Spellings.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Armishaw