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ReptonPrimary School


W/c 9th October 2023

Well, we have definitely learnt an awful lot this week in the Puffin’s class.  We have discovered how our days of the week got their name, how when we add ones to a number it’s not always just the ones that changed and also lots of information about Nicola Adams.  Read on to find out more…


In Maths this week we have learnt about what happens to 1s when we count across 10s and what happens to 10s when we count across 100s. See if you explain what happens by explaining this True or False to your grown-up. 

We have carried on with our unit focusing on Biographies this week by learning about Nicola Adams.  She is going to be the focus of the biographies that we begin to write next week.  We have reminded ourselves how we take effective notes and what information is important.  We have also thought about what information we need to create an informative and interesting biography. Share an interesting fact that you have found out about Nicola Adams with your grown-up. 


Our Topic lessons this week have taught us about the Anglo-Saxons beliefs. We learnt that there are many similarities between festivals that Christians celebrate and festivals that Pagans celebrate.  We learnt about the different Gods that the Anglo-Saxons believed in and how they came to give us the names of the days of the week that we still use today.  What can you tell your grown-up about where these names come from?


In Science we looked at circuits that incorporate switches.  We learnt that a switch can make or break a complete circuit and switches are used in many different ways and for many different things.


Have a lovely weekend.

Stay safe


Mrs Karamucki
