Repton Primary School is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its pupils. All staff follow the guidance set out in the document 'Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023' (in the 'policies' section below).
This ensures our children are safe from neglect and abuse (physical, emotional and sexual) and are free from incidences of bullying.
What Ofsted said about Safeguarding at Repton Primary in March 2019:
"Safeguarding is effective. Leaders are tenacious in following up concerns to make sure that pupils get the help they need. Pupils know how to keep themselves safe, including when online."
"The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders ensure that all statutory requirements with regard to recruitment are met. Records show that concerns about pupils’ safety and welfare are dealt with effectively and in a timely manner. They are thorough and illustrate the steps taken to secure pupils’ safety and welfare. Leaders are tenacious in securing support from the local authority and outside agencies, when necessary. The headteacher works proactively with other agencies, for example to ensure that pupils who attend alternative provision are safeguarded."
"Teachers, teaching assistants and other staff undertake regular training. They know what they should look for when considering the well-being of pupils. All staff understand their responsibility to safeguard pupils and the process they should follow. They do so vigilantly."
"The vast majority of pupils and parents agree that this is a safe school. Pupils are taught how to stay safe in a variety of situations, including when online. Pupils feel they can easily talk with the adults in school if something is wrong. They understand the difference between general falling-out and bullying. Instances of bullying are rare."
We are committed to giving our children the skills to keep safe at home and school and often invite in visitors to support this. We want our children to have the skills to challenge gender stereotypes and to recognise that domestic violence is never acceptable.
The teaching of e-safety skills is an essential element of our curriculum and we give children the skills to keep safe on line and to be able to deal with any incidences of cyber bullying. School has a robust system in place to ensure there is the most up to date filtering and monitoring in place to prevent harmful websites being accessed or accessing our school.
As a school we recognise that safeguarding against radicalisation is no different from safeguarding against any other vulnerability and as a result staff have been trained in Prevent (updated September 2023).
At Repton Primary School all staff are expected to uphold and promote our Fundamental British Values. Our staff also have a duty of care to ensure that discrimination never happens against the protected characteristics set out in the 2010 Equality Act.
If you have any concerns about the safety of your child or any other young person, please contact the following:
If you have any concerns about your child or someone you know being a victim of cyber bullying, the following organisations can offer support:
• The Anti-Bullying Alliance
• Childline
• Childnet
• Internetmatters
• Kidscape
• Get connected
• The Parent Zone
• Thinkuknow
• Young Minds
• UK Safer Internet Centre
There may also be times when adults are concerned about children in the community.
If so, then you can contact:
DCC's Child Protection department on 01629 533190 or The NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.
Please don't ignore concerns; child protection is everyone's responsibility.