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ReptonPrimary School


Week 2

We have had another busy week in Robins class.  We have continued our learning about maps. 

We went for a walk around school, talking about the different features we passed.  For example, our classroom, our playground, the main playground, the trim trail, the hall, kitchen and offices. As we walked, we drew each feature, to create a map.  Back in the classroom, we used the map to trace our journey around the school.  In groups, using large and small paper, the children created their own maps of the school by cutting out, and drawing each feature. 

The children understood that a map shows features from above, looking down.  We talked about how a map can only show things that don’t move such as buildings and roads.  Maps do not show people or cars. We also looked at an aerial photo of the school which was very interesting.  The children could identify the different parts of the school from the aerial photograph. 



In English, we continued our work about the book “Rosie’s Walk”.  We recalled the story, using our class story map and performed our actions.  This week, we started planning a new story.  We started our “innovate” section where we will change one thing about the story.  In our case, instead of Rosie the hen going for a walk around the farmyard, the children chose a new character.  Our ideas included a duck, lamb, rabbit and mouse. The children then created their story plan by drawing and writing their ideas.  We will use the story plans next week to write our new story.


In maths this week we looked at parts of and the whole of 5.  We dropped 5 stones onto a whiteboard and looked carefully to see what amounts we could see within 5.  We circles the amounts, such as 1, 2 and 2 or 3 and 2 or 4 and 1.  We then wrote the numerals to match each part and said the stem sentences, '3 is a part and 2 is a part.  5 is the whole.'  We then placed all 5 onto a 5 frame and checked that we could still see those amounts within the 5 stones on the 5 frame.

To enhance our work about maps, the children also enjoyed programming the beebots, making them travel across a map to different areas. 


This week in Monster Phonics we introduced the character “Green Froggy” and the “ee” digraph.  The children practised reading and writing words containing this digraph.

We have also introduced the spelling app “Spelling Shed” in class this week and have demonstrated to the children how to log in and play the games.  The children have enjoyed practising spelling the words by tapping on the letters in the correct order. Please help your child to log in at home and practise their spellings. Log-in details are stuck to the inside cover of the reading diaries and have also been sent via parent hub.  Please speak to one of us if you have any problems with this. 


In Monster Phonics this week we learned the ‘ow’ sound (as in now).  We met Brown Owl and know that she makes this ‘ow’ sound.  We learned the tricky words, ‘look, now and down’.  We have sent home the new set of tricky words for the first 2 weeks, containing just these words.   Finally, please continue to read with your child at home.  It makes such a difference.  Those children who read regularly at home are already making great progress with their reading.  Please try to read at least 4-5 times a week. 

You can play Buried Treasure below!


Have a lovely weekend!
