At Repton Primary School, we follow a mastery scheme of learning from the White Rose Hub, with this policy being developed by them to coincide with the strategies and methods taught. It is a scheme of learning that is used within Years 1 – 6 and introduces a mixture of fluency, problem solving and reasoning around the objectives. It is expected that all children will have access to these varied activities, with the National Curriculum stating that, “All children need to be fluent, problem solve and reason mathematically.” Repton Primary School is very proud to not put a cap on children’s learning and therefore implements ‘chilli challenges’ for children to choose their own level of challenge in many of the lessons. We will also be teaching using a 'mastery' approach. Mastering maths means acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject through a mixture of concrete, pictorial and abstract strategies.
Below is a timetable of what we aim to be teaching throughout the Year in Year 1. As children have missed a lot of their learning in EYFS, we will spend a large amount of time consolidating areas that were missed. This means we may not stick rigidly to the timetable but this is to give you an overview of what we will be learning about.
At Repton, we also have a Calculation Policy which our Maths Coordinator, Miss Jordan, has put together for the school. Here you can find out how we are going to teach maths in Year 1 all the way up to Year 6.