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ReptonPrimary School


W/C 04.03.24


What a busy week we have had!


In maths, we have been dividing and multiplying by 2 and 10. Show someone at home what you can do:


Multiplying by 2:


Dividing by 2 (grouping):



Dividing by 2 (sharing):


Multiplying by 10:


This week it has been 'World Book Week'. We have done lots of exciting and creative activities around our class book: Mac B. Kid Spy. At the beginning of the week, planned and wrote our own descriptive posters about the missing Crown Jewels. Can you remember how you described the Crown Jewels? We also, innovated 'Chapter 1: The Call', by changing the main character, where they live, who calls them and what they are asked to do. Look at the text from Mac B. Kid Spy below. Can you remember some of your new chapter that you wrote? 



On Thursday, we all dressed as a 'word'. We created our own 'book of words' as we found new words around the classroom to draw and write about. Can you remember a new word you learnt? What did it mean? During the morning, we met Ingrid Connors, the author behind the Monster Phonics books. She presented a live session where she shared the journey on how the characters from her books are brought to life. We learnt about the creative process behind the Monster Phonics books, and all the secrets behind crafting engaging plots, memorable characters, and seamless storytelling. Can you tell someone at home what you found out? What was her favourite character to write about? How many books has she wrote? How do they make the graphics? 

On Friday, we reviewed our own books from home! What book did you chose? What is your favourite part of your book? 


In geography, we have been exploring the Australian city, Sydney. We identified the human features of Sydney and used a map to locate them. Can you remember some of the places we looked at? 

We then compared Sydney to London. Can you remember some similarities and differences between them?


