School Uniform:
We love and breathe our school RPS values and Pride is one of them so we all try to look smart and tidy at school. We have a school uniform comprising of a red sweatshirt/cardigan displaying our school emblem (this is optional as a plain jumper or cardigan will suffice), with a red or white shirt/polo shirt. Sensible, black school footwear should also be worn to cope with the demands of school life. Dark grey or black school trousers are worn or dark grey or black skirts/pinafores if girls prefer (summer red gingham dresses are an option for girls in warmer weather or dark grey or black school shorts for boys or girls). Our uniform includes a Repton Primary School bookbag.
Uniform information is also in our 'New Starter' booklet. Click the link below:
Uniform with our school emblem can be purchased from a number of retailers, some of which are:
Pupil Schoolwear in Swadlincote
WB Schoolwear in Walton On Trent
Mellies Creations
PLEASE NOTE: We do not allow the wearing of merchandise associated with non age appropriate games and online activities.
P.E. Kit: Your child will need black pumps or trainers (for indoor PE) and trainers for any other PE. Black shorts and a red tee shirt (available with school logo from the above supplier but not compulsory). Preferably children should also bring a red hoodie or dark tracksuit for outdoor P.E. sessions.
Swimming Kit: If your child's class is timetabled for swimming, they will need a swimming costume or trunks and a towel (loose swimming shorts may not be worn due to Health and Safety reasons). We also encourage children to bring a suitable coat to walk to and from the Repton Pool (Tuesday mornings).
Goggles: Goggles can be dangerous if worn incorrectly. If you wish your child to wear goggles during their swimming sessions you need to give written permission and take responsibility for them wearing them.
Valuables and Jewellery:
Children are not allowed to wear jewellery for school (except watches and small earrings for pierced ears) as these items can cause potential injury to the wearer or others and items can get lost. Earrings must also be removed for P.E. lessons and swimming and can no longer be covered with tape.
Members of staff cannot be responsible for:
a) accidents caused by the wearing of jewellery eg. necklaces, earrings or bracelets.
b) The loss or damage of any items of value brought to school by the children.
Lost Property:
With everything labelled and no valuable items in school, there will be little Lost Property. Anything left, however will be stored in the PE changing rooms off the hall. It will be disposed of at the end of each term