Happy half-term!
In maths, we have continue our work on Time. This week, we have been looking at quarter past and quarter to. Show someone at home what you can do:
We then looked at 5 minutes past and to. Have a go at the times below:
In English, the children planned and wrote their own spring poems. We used our writing toolkit to ensure we wrote a super poem:
We were blown away with the quality of their work! Well done, Owls!
In science, we explored what plants need in order to stay healthy and grown. Can you tell someone the difference between these two plants? Which one is healthy and which one is unhealthy? How do you know?
We then started our own cress experiment! We will be putting cress seeds in different conditions. One pot will have no sun and no water, one will have no sun but water, one will have sun but no water and the final one will have sun and water. Which one did you predict would do the best? How do you know?