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ReptonPrimary School


Week 3

This week we have learned about the artist Vincent van Gogh. We looked at his paintings and focussed on his ‘Sunflowers’ as part of our Growing and Changing topic. The children talked about the painting; what they noticed, what they liked or didn’t like about it, the colours and how it made them feel. We also talked about how we thought he made the painting and why. 


We painted our own sunflower 🌻 paintings, using a little brush and chose the right coloured paints. We also learned about the life cycle of a sunflowers and ordered the stages by cutting and sticking on paper.



In English we continued our innovated stories of The Enormous Turnip and used out plans from last week to write our new story. We had Enormous pumpkins, carrots and sunflowers!


In maths we explored shape. We made models using 3D cubes to replicate a model, thinking about positional language. We also used 2D shapes from a tangram to investigate what pictures we could make by tessellating the shapes together.


Friday was our day to celebrate the King’s Coronation! We coloured flags, made crowns and enjoyed our Coronation picnic at lunchtime. Then of course we took part in our Colour Run! Please look out for photos of the day to come on the school website. 

In Monster Phonics this week, we have begun to read and write ccvc words, such as ‘plop, trot, drip, crack’.  Please continue to read with your child regularly.  It really makes a difference to their confidence and fluency. Please also continue to use spelling shed.  Again, this really helps the children to develop confidence and fluency with their segmenting and spelling skills.  

Have a great weekend and we’ll see you after the bank holiday on Tuesday 9th May. 
