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ReptonPrimary School



We have had another fantastic week of learning in the Foxes class! In English, we have been writing our biographies about the famous female boxer, Nicola Adams. The children have been using what they have learnt over the last couple of weeks to help them include all the appropriate features of a biography, including: chronological order; time fronted adverbials; facts; third person pronouns and subheadings.


In Maths, we have been doing some Maths investigations! We have been exploring numbers and finding out what patterns appear when numbers are added and taken away. We have also done some addition consolidation work and learnt how to draw column method out neatly onto squared paper – remembering that the place value of each number matters!


In Science, we have been finding out about electrical conductors and insulators! We carried out an experiment using different objects to find out which materials conduct electricity and which insulate it. We put the objects within a simple circuit, with a battery, a bulb and some wires to see if the bulb would light up. We found out that metal objects, like pencil sharpeners, tin foil, paper clips and coins conducted electricity and non-metal objects, like rubbers, paper, pencils and pens did not (they insulated it!).



In History this week we have learnt about the Anglo-Saxons conversion to Christianity, their artwork and the Staffordshire Hoard, which was discovered near Lichfield in 2009! We are looking forward to seeing some of these real-life Anglo-Saxons artefacts at Tamworth Castle next week!


We have also been practising our performance song for our Harvest assembly! We hope to see you there! Please practise the lyrics over the weekend along with the actions:



Thank you to the parents who have offered to walk with us to the church - if you are still able to help, please drop me an email to let me know!


It was really lovely to see you all at parents evening this week. Thank you for making appointments to talk to me about how your children have settled in this half term.


Have a great weekend!

Miss Hanslow
