What an exciting week we have had! We started the week off with an amazing (but cold!) forest school session! The day was spent in our outdoor classroom area with Liz, a wonderful forest school practitioner. We had a super day climbing trees, climbing through spider webs, tying knots, making soup in the mud kitchen and playing some brilliant games. These included chaos tag (a very chaotic game!), predator and capture the flag. We finished our day with stories round the campfire and hot chocolate. Here are some pictures from our very fun day!
This week, in English, we have carried on with our Historical Narrative unit. We have boxed up our WAGOLL and thought about how our own character could get transported into the Viking historical period.
In Maths, the Year 3’s have been looking at multiplying by 10 and reasoning and problem solving with the times tables they have looked at. Year 4 have been learning about factor pairs, what they are and how we can use them to help us with multiplication questions and understanding our times tables. The children found these quite tricky, but we will revisit these at a later date!
In our Geography topic ‘Iceland’ we have been thinking about the lines of longitude and latitude on the Earth. We thought about what those lines were called and how they affected the Earth.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Hanslow