One more week until the end of our first half term! The children have worked really hard in all their learning this week! Look below to see what we have been up to!
In our Maths learning, we have been learning how to order numbers. We first looked at how we can order objects such as numicons, ten frames and cubes. We learnt that we can order amounts from smallest to greatest and then greatest to smallest. We used a number track to help support our learning. Towards the end of the week, we also learnt about how to use a number line! We learnt that number lines are a great way to represent the order of numbers, and they can be used to help with addition and subtraction - something we are going to do more of next term!
Here are some games you can do at home to practise ordering.
Have a go at these games to help practise using a number line.
I have also set some challenges on Maths Shed as well.
In our English learning, we have spent this week learning a new model text. We have been learning an instruction text called "How to Mummify a Pharaoh". To immerse ourselves in the text, the children acted out how to mummify a pharaoh, but don't worry! We used dolls, toilet rolls and toy hooks to act this out. Here are some pictures of the children performing the instructions using pretend toys!
We also created a story map of our model text using the Mighty Writer. Each child helped select a picture to go with the model text and then we spoke it back as a class. Here is the Mighty Writer Story Map. Can you see if you can have a go at reading this story map back to your grown-up?
We have taken a break from our Ancient Egyptian learning and we have focused on science this past week. We have been looking at the four seasons and the season that we are in - Autumn. We went into forest school to look for signs of Autumn. We found leaves of different colours, leaves that had fallen off the trees, pinecones and acorn shells, and we even found some mushrooms growing. We then talked about the kind of weather that comes in Autumn. We have been tracking our weather each day by creating a weather diary!
We realised that the weather changes quite regularly. A child said that it had rained over night and some children weren't sure if it had. So we decided to create rain guages so we could measure the weather. We will be leaving the rain gauges outside the classroom so we can measure any rain that comes in during the day. Here are our pictures below.
I have also sent out slips with your child's Parents' Evening date and time. These should be in your child's reading record and book. If you do not have this, please email me at if you want me to email it you.
What a great week we have had Hedgehogs, have a lovely weekend!
Mr Armishaw