Intent - What do we intend children to learn through PSHE?
At Repton Primary School, we value Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE). We know that teaching PSHE effectively, through a well-developed and comprehensive programme provides children with the skills and knowledge to become well informed and confident individuals. It is our intent to help our children to grow up to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. We believe that by providing our children with the knowledge and understanding to make informed choices, they will become active and responsible citizens who will go on to form positive relationships in the future.
Our aim, through our PSHE learning program, is for our children to know more and remember more, re-visiting and building upon key concepts to help them live a happy and fulfilled life. We will give our children the skills to be able to work well with others, recognise their own value and be able to reflect on their own experiences. We will also help them to identify healthy, respectful relationships in all contexts, including on-line and prepare them for the diverse world in which we live. By the time our children leave us, in year 6, we aim for them to be able to continue their lives, making positive choices and have the skills to deal with any challenges or dilemmas they may face in the wider world. Through our teaching of PSHE, we will prepare our pupils to become active, confident and respectful members of society.