We have had a lovely week in the Owls Class.
In maths, we have been multiplying and dividing by 5. Can you continue the pattern, counting in 5s?:
5 , 10, __ , __ , __ ,__ , __ , __ , __ , __ , __ , __
To divide, we have been grouping and sharing. Show someone what you can do:
We have also been doubling and halving this week! We have been spotting patterns to help us with doubling and halving big numbers (e.g., half of 4 = 2, so I know half of 40 = 20). Can you half and double each of the numbers below? Remember when we double we are multiplying by 2 and when we are finding half we are dividing by 2:
In English, we have continued with our letter writing unit. We have innovated my letter and wrote a new introduction introducing ourselves, explaining who we are and the purpose of writing the letter. We then matched the children up with a child from the Australian school. Can you remember the name of the person you are writing a letter to? We then reflected on our learning of Australia so far, and considered what we might include in our letters next week. We thought of some questions we might want to ask. Can you remember one of the questions you would like to include?
In topic, we have been exploring the physical and human features of Byron Bay and have a planned a trip around Byron Bay using directional language. Can you spot the human and physical features in the picture below? What is the difference between human and physical features?
This week has also been Science Week! The theme this year has been 'time'. Here are some of the activities we have completed...
On Monday, we explored the process of time. We estimated how long we thought each challenge would take us. Our partner then timed us completing the challenge. How close were you to your estimation?
On Wednesday, we are explored how electricity works to power a clock. We tested different objects to see which ones could power a clock. We tested wood, sponge, marshmellows, bananas, apples, oranges, lemons and pears. Did any of these power a clock?
On Thursday, we discussed different times of the year and what changes we might see. Spring is usually the start of nesting season for birds in the UK – a time when birds start to gather materials and build their nests. We searched for natural materials that we could find on the school grounds to create our own nests suitable for a bird. What did you make your nest out of?
On Friday, we explored the life-cycle of a butterfly. We explored each of the four stages and how long each stage can take. We compared this life-cycle to other such as humans, frogs and plants. We then used our knowledge to make a ‘butterfly life-cycle wheel’. Show someone at home yours!