Maths Shed
Last year, the children were introduced to Times Tables Rockstars which was a massive success. The times tables are not taught until Year 2 so it is very difficult for children in Year 1 to learn their times tables, and the importance of them. So this year, EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 will be competing against each other on Maths Shed instead!
Maths Shed is an interactive game that is created by the same company that made Spelling Shed. I will set children challenges appropriate to their age and level, and children earn points and scale up the leaderboard. Maths Shed tests children on their number bonds to 10, addition and subtraction and can test children's doubling and halving. It is a fun game and we hope children enjoy playing these games in a healthy competitive manner.
Children use the same login details for Spelling Shed to get onto Maths Shed. If your child has lost their login details. please email me and I can provide a new username and password
Have fun!