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ReptonPrimary School


Forest Time

This week, for our last Forest time session, we made memory wristbands!

21.6.24 - This week we went on a minibeast hunt in the forest. We thought carefully about where we would find the minibeasts in their habitats.

14.6.24 - This week we looked at images from the artist James Brunt. He makes natural art and often uses a spiral for his inspiration. We collected items in the forest and used them to make a spiral before the storm stopped play! ⛈️

7.6.24 - we explored the forest today, looking for minibeast. We then worked as a team to make a giant spider web in the log circle from string.

17.5.24 This week we made nests for our bird toys in our class.

10.5.24 - This week we discovered a pond in the forest area! All of the frogs 🐸 from it had escaped! Our job was to go and hunt for them and return them to the pond. Then we made the pond look really pretty by adding flowers 🌸 just like the lilies in Monet’s Waterliles painting. It looked so beautiful. We read the story ‘Bee Frog’ and learned the ‘Little Green Frog’ song, where we pulled funny frog faces!

3.5.24. This week we explored the overgrown nature area on the edge of the field! We found so many interesting things from nests to long grass to hide in to the mud kitchen to bake in. It was fun playing hide and seek and a lovely game of ‘Wake up Sleepy Bear’.

26.4.24 - This week we all made ourselves a green hat as we were playing the role of a little turnip from the story The Enormous Turnip! We used green leaves to stick onto a strip of paper to make a hat so that we looked like a turnip with a green top! We then took turns to sit in a tyre whilst the rest of our group pulled us out of the ground. POP! We said “they pulled and pulled until the turnip went Pop!”

19.4.24 - This week we noticed that so much had started to grow and change in the forest, just like our topic ‘Growing and Changing’ explores. We drew what we noticed in the forest, with a friend, on a whiteboard to create a lovely picture of all the different plants we saw.

22.3.24. This week we explored patterns in the forest, just like we’d explored the patterns on African animals. We used crayons to make rubbings of the different patterns and textures we could see. They looked really good and reminded us of the animal patterns we had painted earlier in the week.

15.3.24. This week we explored pattern in the forest. Some of us found patterns around the forest area, on tree bark, on leaves, in the mud, on logs, etc. Others used natural objects to make patterns just like the ones in African art that we’ve been learning about this week. Some of us decided to make repeating patterns. Lovely work!

8.3.24. Today we went on a hunt! Before the half term, a Chinese Dragon visited and left 40 baby dragons around our forest school area. Today we found them! We unfortunately could only find 3 full tens and 9 more. We used our 10 frames to place the dragons on and could easily see how many mew had and how many were left to find. We wonder where the last dragon has hidden! 🐉

30.1.24 Today we had our special Forest School session with Liz from Little Acorns Forest Schools, funded by our PTA. We had a fantastic morning in the new forest area on the field. We went on creature hunts (real and toy), built nests, played in the mud kitchen; making potions and concoctions, made ladybirds using a log slice and stuck on decorated wings and googly eyes. We enjoyed a snack outside and even climbed the trees, (no higher than our heads!). We listened to a story and played lots of fun games such Stuck in the Mud, What's the Time Mr Wolf? and Catch the Chicken!

We went on a hunt today to look for different natural objects in the forest, before the winter passes and new spring life starts to grow.

We had a great time today, creating our version of Rosie’s Walk - Robin’s Walk! We walked around, under, over, through, across and past the different parts of the forest. The children drew a map of their routes and told their stories to the class.

We had a super new year tidy of the forest today after the storms over Christmas. So many trees has lost their branches, litter had blown in from the road and leaves were every where. The children loved collected broken branches and made a big pile of wood with them. They swept the leaves using branch brooms and picked up litter for the bin. Well done Robins!

We consolidated the 4 and 5 this week by using natural objects to show those amounts.

We made houses and added bright leaves to make them look like flames! 🔥 Just like in the great fire of London 🏠 We also practised one of our Nativity songs, Warming our Toes, and we warmed our toes by the ‘fire’ 🔥

We looked for and made shapes in the forest today. Can you spot the shapes on our photos? Looks for circles, triangles, rectangles and squares!

10.11.23. Today we enjoyed making a giant Rangoli pattern in the forest, using different natural objects. We noticed how bright and yellow the leaves were that had fallen from the tress. The forest floor looked amazing!

27.10.23 This week in Forest Time, to tie in with our maths work in the classroom, we looked for natural objects in sets of 1, 2 or 3. We worked together in pairs and found lots of interesting things.

6.10.23 - This week we went on a hunt! We read the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and we listened for the sounds in the story in the forest. We then went on a hunt for all sort of things like pine cones, flowers, sticks and insects and using our imagination, we hunted for animals from the Brown Bear story, like red bird, blue horse, yellow duck or purple cat!

29.9.23 This week we looked for matching objects. We then took photos of the objects and said our stem sentence from our maths, ‘The pine cone is the same as the pine cone. They are a match.’ We then brought all the objects to the log circle and made sets of the same. We enjoyed our hot chocolate with a story!

22.9.23 - We went into the forest today for the first time. The children really enjoyed exploring around, through the trees and bushes and discovering what natural things they could find. We enjoyed a story on the log circle and sang songs. We talked about the special rules to keep us safe.
