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ReptonPrimary School


Week 7

This week has been full of Christmas cheer!  The children did themselves proud; performing their nativity on Monday to the school and again to parents on Tuesday.  Well done Robins!  You were absolutely fantastic and should be so proud of yourselves.  On Wednesday we enjoyed the Pantomime ‘Mother Goose’ and Thursday we were treated to yet another fantastic show by the KS1 children, ‘Lights, Camel, Action!’ at Repton School’s 400 Hall.  Friday was our Christmas Party, where we danced, ate and played party games.  What an exciting week! 


A big thank you for all the party food contributions and for the helpers who walked with the Robins to Repton School on Thursday.  We really do appreciate your support and couldn’t do all these lovely activities with the children without it.


Our learning has also centred around Christmas this week and why and how we celebrate Christmas.  We looked at Christmas traditions, talked about how we celebrate in our houses (decorations, food, presents, etc) and listened to the Christmas Story.  We also enjoyed singing Christmas songs!


In English we wrote about our part in the Nativity.  The children wrote who they were in the play, what they did, lines they said or about their favourite songs.


In maths we made repeating patterns by printing coloured patterns to make Christmas bags.


Around the classroom we enjoyed lots of Christmassy activities, such as making calendars, cards, paper chains, playdough snowmen, playing in Santa’s grotto in the role play, decorating Christmas trees by counting the sequins to match the numeral on the star at the top, spotting and counting the pictures in the Nativity games and more!


In Monster Phonics this week we recapped all the sounds we have learned this term and practised reading and writing words and sentences containing these.  We have sent home the rest of the high frequency words now.  Please keep and work through as your child is ready.  They have also been taught them in class, but regular practise at home is important.


A reminder that Monday is our Christmas Carol Service at St Wystan’s Church.  Again, the children will be walking to the church, leaving at 9:15am.  We appreciate all the offers to help us walk there and back.  Please meet us in the front of school by 9:15am.  All parents are invited to watch the service and each class will be singing too.


Have a lovely weekend and we will see you for the final 3 days next week!
