Another great week for the Hedgehogs class! They continually impress me with all their great learning - well-done Hedgehogs! Look below to find out what we have been learning about this week.
In our Maths learning, we have been learning about finding one more and one less. We then did some fantastic reasoning on Thursday where we compared by matching. We were matching up ice creams to people and seeing if there would be any left or if we needed any more. We then looked at how we can compare numbers and amounts by using vocabulary such as fewer, more, greater than and less than. I have put some quizzes on Maths Shed to consolidate our learning or have a go at the challenge below!
Look below at the pictures underneath. Is there enough food for each pet? Which groups of pets have the most food, and which have the least amount of food? What is the group with the fewest animals? What is the group with the most animals?
In our English learning, the children put their creative hats on and they started to plan their own stories, ready to write for next week. The children thought of a new character, a new problem and a new character to come and save their character from danger. We will be writing the stories next Monday as our first HOT WRITE! Can you remember what your story was about? Who was your main character? What did your character try to learn at school?
In our History lessons this week, we have been learning what life was like in the classroom 100 years ago. The children watched a clip of a school in the 1930s (unfortunately I could not find a clip of one in the 1920s, but this is very similar). We talked about how the teachers were really strict and that children learned differently back then. Could you draw a picture of what a classroom looks like in the 1920s?
We then also learned about what schools were like in the 1960s. We found out that Repton Primary School was built in the 1960s and Mrs Ward attended the school during that decade, so we thought of some questions that we would like to ask Mrs Ward, which she will answer next week!
In our Computing lessons, the children were learning how to use Sketchpad to create Kandinsky style artwork. We were practising using the drag and drop tool to resize the shapes of circles and move them around. If you do have a laptop at home, see if you can practise making some circles on Sketchpad and impress your grown-up with your computing skills!
Well done Hedgehogs on completing your first Spelling Test. I was very impressed with how hard we tried this week! Here are next week's spellings which are also available on Spelling Shed. The spellings are based on the phonics that we do in class.
History Trip - Thursday 9th November - Museum of Making
You will have heard from the Parenthub that I sent out that we are going on an exciting trip in November to help bring our learning of the past to life. We will be going to the Museum of Making in Derby to take part in an interactive workshop about the first transatlantic flight by Alcock and Brown in 1919 (just a little over 100 years ago). Please go onto ParentPay to consent to the trip and pay for the cost of this experience and trip. Any questions, please do let me or Mrs Devereux know.
I am also looking for parent helpers to accompany us for the day. The trip will be free for parents, and I am looking for 2-3 to accompany us. Please let me know if you are interested or available, but I do understand that it is a weekday which can conflict with work schedules and other commitments.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Armishaw