Another great week for the Hedgehogs' Class! First of all, it was lovely to see most of you this week for Parents' Evenings to discuss your child's progress. If you do have any questions at all, please email me at Look below to find out what we have been doing this week.
In our Maths work this week, we have been learning about near doubles. Near doubles are a way of finding out an answer using our understanding of doubles to help us. For example;
4 + 4 = 8
so 4 + 5 = 9
as one more than 4 is 5, so one more than 8 is 9.
This led us to practise our doubles a bit more, and also help us with our addition sums as well. If you want to use a song to practise the doubles, here is the one we have been learning in class! Here are some dominoes below. Can you write down the near doubles shown on the dominoes below?
We also started our unit on subtraction this week. We learned that we can find many subtraction facts to 20 by finding subtraction number bonds to 10. For example;
9 - 2 = 7
so 19 - 2 = 17, as there is an extra 10.
Can you have a go at solving the subtractions with your grown-up, remembered that the number bonds on top will help you with the subtraction below?
We have had a fantastic week in our English work this week. The work we have done has all centred around The BFG (one of Mr Armishaw's favourite books!). On Monday, we started our week by introducing ourselves to the story. We read a few chapters to learn some descriptions to describe the BFG. We then designed and made up our giants, and described them using adjectives and expanded noun phrases. Can you remember what your giant was called? What did they look like?
We then learned that the BFG keeps bottles of dreams to give to children. We then designed our own dreams, like a setting description. We thought about what we could see, smell, hear and feel in our dream. We produced this using a double-page spread, and then wrote our setting descriptions up on Thursday.
As a little treat for the children, and to get ourselves excited by the story of the BFG, the children also created their own dream jars. Here are some pictures below! As I need to keep the jars myself, I unfortunately can't let them go home, however I have attached the recipe I used so you can try this at home if you wish! Here is also a video link that you can use.
In our Geography work, we have been learning a little bit about Kenya's history to really understand how it is today. We learned many historical facts, and some sad ones too! We learned that Kenya was colonised by the British and that the British were not very nice to the Kenyans. Eventually, Jomo Kenyatta told the British to leave after quite a struggle between the Mau Mau people, and the British army. Now, Kenya and the British have good relations. This helped us understand the Kenya flag a bit more. On Wednesday, we worked in pairs to create the Kenyan flag, and then we stuck pictures and words so we know what the colours and symbols of the Kenya flag meant. Here are some of our pictures below! Can you explain to your grown-ups what the colours of the Kenyan flag mean?
In our Art this week, we have been continuing our work on Sculpture and 3D. We have been learning how to use and roll paper in different ways to create a 3D drawing. We learned how to create spiral shapes, table shapes, curves, rolls, and concertina shaped paper to create 3D art drawings. We also practiced using mark-making strategies to bring our creations to life! Here are some of our pieces of work below! Can you have a go at showing your grown-up one of the ways to make paper 3D?
In our Phonics this week, we have focused on wh, e and o. Please use the Time to Read booklets to practise words and sentences from these sections.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Armishaw