What a great first week back, and a short one it has been as well! The children have really enjoyed coming back to school and we have had a fantastic week getting enthused by our World Book Week activities. Look below to see what we have been doing this week.
In our Maths lesson this week, we continued our work on number bonds to 20. We had a mission to find out how many number bonds there were to 20. We worked in pairs and used ten frames and counters to work out how many there were. Here are some pictures of us being mathematicians!
You can have a go at practicing your number bonds by playing the game Hit the Button, or by playing Maths Shed and playing the number bonds space game.
English - World Book Day Activities
In our English this week, we have been doing lots of activities based on a book that we have been reading throughout the year so far. We have been reading the BFG and we decided this week to create our own giants and we have pretended that they have gone missing. We have been working on designing our own giants and then describing the giants using adjectives. We then worked on Thursday on thinking about what our giant last ate, where it lives, what it carries, and what it can be seen doing. The children have thoroughly enjoyed their week on giants! Can you remember what your giant looked like, or how you described your giant?
World Book Day
The children really enjoyed World Book Day on Thursday. The children were all dressed as fantastic words, ranging from magical to bibliophile! We went on a scavenger hunt to find books around the classroom that had certain nouns. We also designed World Book Day bookmarks and drew ourselves on the bookmark. We also listened to an adult in school read a book to us at the end of the day. The children really enjoyed it! Here are some photos of our costumes!
In our Geography learning, we have been learning about what a city is like in Kenya. We looked at the capital city of Nairobi and how from certain pictures it looks really clean, really modern, and really rich. We then looked at some other photos and we found out that Nairobi has some areas which are struggling with poverty. We learned about how 60% of the Nairobi population live in slums, and how many of those people struggle to find access to clean water, clean toilets, electricity, jobs, and good healthcare. We talked about how this is not fair and that people are struggling. Look at the pictures below. Can you tell your grown-up any differences that they see between the two sides of each of these photos of Nairobi?
Spellings (also available on Spelling Shed)
A great week Hedgehogs, see you next week!
Mr Armishaw