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ReptonPrimary School



We have had another fantastic week in Foxes class!


In English, we continued to work on our historical narratives. This week we set about planning what we were going to write in the different sections of our story. The children have all had some fantastic ideas and I am so looking forward to reading their final narratives next week! Can you tell your grown up what happens in the different parts of your story?

In Maths, we have been continuing learning about multiplication and division. Year 3 have been thinking about lots of different things this week, including: making links between multiplication and division; scaling and using strategical problem-solving techniques to discover, ‘How many ways?’  Year 4 have been learning about multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. This will prepare them for when we start to learn about decimals later on in the year.



In Geography we continued to learn about Iceland. We found where Iceland is located on the world map and discovered that it is in Europe. We looked at where it is in relation to other countries and had a go at writing directional sentences to describe its position on the map. We found out that it is half the size of the UK and its capital city is Reykjavik.


In Science this week, we continued to learn about Sound. We focused on Volume this week. The children had a go at playing instruments. We investigated how the volume of the instruments changes when we play them with more energy. We found out that the volume is louder because the vibrations are bigger. The size of a vibration is called the amplitude. The bigger the amplitude, the louder the sound

More energy = bigger vibrations = louder sound!



Next Friday, it is NSPCC Number Day! We are going to celebrate by inviting all the children at RPS to wear Rock Star outfits for the day! We are going to be doing lots of fun Maths activities throughout the day!


Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Hanslow
