Repton Primary School
Springfield Road
DE65 6GN
Telephone: 01283 703732
Contact the school office for our parent email address
If you have any queries or require information, please contact any of the following people on the telephone number or email above. If you require paper copies of anything on our website then please contact Mrs Devereux in our school office.
Head Teacher : Mr S Tague
Deputy Head Teacher : Mrs K Riley
Business Manager : Mrs T Devereux
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Mr S Tague
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs K Riley Safeguarding Governor: Mrs V Boyes
SENDCo : Mrs Karamucki
Email :
Chair of the Governing Board: Mr P Dawson
To Contact the Chair of Governors please email:
Alternatively, write to the school, marking correspondence private and confidential, and the letter will be forwarded.