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ReptonPrimary School


Updates W.C 08.07.24

I cannot believe that we have one more week until the end of this year! This year has gone by so quick, but I also know that this year has been very tiring, so I think we are all in need of a well-deserved break soon.


You should have received your child's end of year report via Parenthub. Please take note that your child's Phonics Screening Scores can be found in the English section of the report, alongside a comment as to whether they passed or not. If you do have any questions, please just let me know.


Please look below to find out what we have been doing in our learning this week.



In our Maths learning, we have spent the week learning all about money. This week, we have learned about all the coins in the British currency. We have also learned about notes such as £5, £10, £20 and £50. We even had a go on Friday at making amounts using coins and notes too! I have attached some photos of our counting towards the bottom of the page!


Here are some challenges below which you can have a go at!


Identify the coins (in p and £)


Identify the notes and coins (in £)


Work out the value of both sides and then compare using <, > and =.


There are also Math Shed quizzes available that have questions based on what learning we have done this week. 



In our English learning, we have been innovating the story of the Stickman. This week, we changed the story to be about a new character, and where something happens to that new character. We changed it this week to PencilKid. We started to have a think about what could happen to Pencilkid in the story. We created a piece of shared writing, using features of the toolkit such as sentence openers, alliteration, adjectives to create fantastic pieces of writing. The children loved doing this story. Mr Armishaw has found Pencilkid online! Can you write a short story about him and show your grown-ups? Can you use any of the features that we have used in school?


Science and DT

In our DT work this week, we finished off making our pop-up books! The children did a fantastic job of making their pop-up books come to life! We then evaluated them and gave each page a score out of 5. We then started our final unit in Science which is Everyday Materials. We started off by learning that all objects are made of materials. We went round the classroom to look for objects that were made of metal, glass, plastic, paper, wood, ceramic and rubberCan you find objects at home made of these materials?



In our Phonics learning this week, we learned about compound words, where two words add together to make another word. We also learned about contractions such as I'll, we'll, they'll and they're which is when certain two words are 'squashed' together to form one word. 



There are no spellings to learn for the last week. Relax and enjoy!


Have a lovely weekend. Let's wish England the best of luck in the Euro Finals, and let's enjoy our last week together Hedgehogs!


Mr Armishaw
