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ReptonPrimary School


W.C. 22.5.23

Well, another half term completed, and one more term until this group of Hedgehogs go into Year 2! This term has gone by so quick, but we have still done lots of fun learning this week. Look below to see what we have been doing this week.



In our Maths learning, we have moved on to our new learning on Place Value: Numbers up to 100. We have been practising counting in tens up to 100, and making numbers using dienes (tens and ones). We then spent some time this week counting forwards and backwards to 100 from a given number.  We have also been practising partitioning numbers up to 100 into tens and ones, using dienes, which the children loved! Can you find out the missing numbers in this number square?


*If you want a challenge, can you find the missing numbers in the complex missing number problem below the big number square?


**Can you work out the numbers shown in the tens and ones. Count the tens first, then count the ones!



     *Complex Problem                                          **Work out the numbers below




In our English this week, we have been inventing our own poems based on our visit to Mrs Little's garden last week. We planned a double-page spread about the poem - thinking of what we could see, smell, touch and hear in the garden. We then thought of rhyming words and sentences that could be used in our poem. We then wrote up our HOT WRITES on Thursday, which can be viewed in the bay. I am trying to arrange a time when Mrs Little can come in and look at our fabulous poems! Can you remember any of the rhyming sentences in your poem?



In our Science this week, we have finished off our learning on animals and humans. We carried on our learning on omnivores, herbivores and carnivores and we looked at a variety of animals and looked at their diets to work out what food group each animal belonged too. Have a look below at the animals and the food that they eat. Can you tell your grown-up which of these animals is an omnivore, carnivores and herbivore?



Phonics Words to Practise Reading



Please keep reading, and practising these words at home. The Phonics Screening Check begins the week commencing Monday 12th June. The children do not know this as a form of assessment, I explain it as an activity where we have to read real words and we have to work out the names of these monsters, or nonsense words.


Have a lovely half term break!


Mr Armishaw

