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ReptonPrimary School


9th May

We hope you all had a nice extra long weekend. We can't believe how quickly the weeks are flying by! The nice weather is great and being able to be outside for our PE lessons in the warmth makes playing hockey and tennis a lot easier.   The children are all doing well in tennis, we have been learning the forehand and backhand groundstroke. The children know how to stand in the ready position and to move to hit the ball (hopefully!) This week we were practising keeping a rally going with a partner. 


On Tuesday morning, Mrs Cotton worked with the class before she takes over from Miss Hobbs after May half term. The children have written a letter all about themselves for Mrs Cotton to read, so that she can get to know the class a little. She will also be working with us again before the end of this half term. 


In Maths, we have been working on translations and lines of symmetry. We have been folding paper after visualising to check our answers, this has helped a lot of children. The children enjoyed moving shapes on a grid for their translation work. 


In English, we have started writing our science fiction stories and will continue these next week. We look forward to reading these next week when they are complete. 


The children created some great art work this week that Miss Hobbs was very impressed with. 


We hope you have a great weekend. 


The Ravens Team
