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ReptonPrimary School



What a busy first week back it has been! The Foxes have all worked so hard this week, learning about new topics and revisiting old ones! I am so impressed with the knowledge they have retained!


In English, we have been learning about Grammar and Punctuation. We have been focusing on apostrophes – for both contraction (e.g. didn’t), singular possession (e.g. the boy’s cup) and plural possession (e.g. the boys’ cups). We learned about different word classes, including: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, determiners, conjunctions, pronouns and prepositions.


We have also been learning about simple sentences, compound sentences (with coordinating conjunctions) and complex sentences (with subordinating conjunctions). Are these sentences simple, compound or complex?


Kate went to the cinema while Jack went swimming.


The day couldn’t get any worse.


You can have curry for your dinner or you can have left-over pizza.


In Maths, the year 3s have finished off their learning about perimeter and length. They learned how to find the perimeter of different shapes and how to find the perimeter when some measurements were missing on regular shapes. They then started their new topic of fractions where they learned about denominators and they had a go at ordering different fraction. We found out that the greater the denominator, the smaller the fraction (as long as the numerator is the same!)


The year 4s completed their learning about length and perimeter this week. They learned how to find the perimeter of rectilinear shapes, regular polygons and irregular polygons. Some very tricky stuff! Next week, the year 4s will start a new topic, learning all about fractions!


In Science this week, in our ‘Sound’ topic, we have been learning about why sounds get fainted the further away you are from the source. We went out onto the playground to experiment. This is what we found out:


Sounds travel as vibrations. As the sound waves travel, the particles of whatever they are travelling through vibrate, or move quickly on the spot. The further the vibrations travel, the more they spread out. As they spread out through more and more particles, the vibrations become smaller and smaller. This causes the sound to get quieter and quieter.


In PSHE, for LGBT+ month, we learned about Alan Turing, a Mathematician who was famous for his work developing the first modern computers, decoding the encryption of German Enigma machines during the second world war, and detailing a procedure known as the Turing Test, forming the basis for artificial intelligence. It's estimated that he saved between 14 and 21 million lives by ending World War 2 early. Alan Turing was a homosexual man, something which he kept hidden as it was illegal to be gay in the 1950s.


Next week, it is World Book Day, we are inviting all the children the dress up as a word of their choice on Thursday 7th March. On the same day, you are invited into the classroom at the beginning of the school day to listen to your child/others read. We will also be having a book swap. We ask that the children bring in an age-appropriate book that they would be happy to swap. It must still be in fairly good condition please 😊.


The rest of the week, our learning will be based around our previous class read – Varjak Paw – a book the children have loved reading over the past few months! We will also be taking part in a number of other, fun, literacy related activities!


Thank you for your support!


Miss Hanslow
